NID, our Neuron ID label, is a specially designed label. It will make the day-to-day work easier for the systemintegrator.

The product will be delivered to you in a box or in a safety bag, depending on what is most practical and how many products the delivery contains.

To make the most of the advantages of the label, we suggest that you use one of the following alternatives:

Alternative 1.

Scan the product`s Neuron ID and Product ID straight into the installation database and write where you want it to be installed on the yellow text field, ex ROOM 8:320. After that, all essential data is saved and the installator doesn´t have to provide any information after installation of the product. DONE!

Alternative 2.

Hand the product directly to the installer. The box/bag will probably be thrown away but on the outer casing or on the circuit board there is another label attached.

The main part of the label will be torn off, leaving a smaller one on the circuit board. The main part of the label should be stuck on an appropriate paper/plan and the installer should write in in the yellow field where the product was installed. When the installer is finished, the information will be passed on to the systemintegrator, who will be able to scan the Neuron ID and Product ID straight into the installation database from the paper/plan with the attached label. DONE!

The label left on the circuit board will make it possible, in the future, to read out Neuron ID, the assembly of the circuit board and when it was produced.

The circuit board label

...bears the following information

Article name and complete article number.
Neuron ID in writing and barcode.
Article number on the assembly of the circuit board.
Production batch number, i.e. date of production+seq. no.

The main label, torn away from the circuit board

...bears the following information

Article name and complete article number in writing and barcode.
Article number on the assembly of the circuit board.
Production batch number, i.e. date of production+seq. no.
Program ID in writing and barcode.
Neuron ID in writing and barcode.
Empty field for noting where the product was installed.

The label left on the box

...bears the followin information

Article number on the assembly of the circuit board.
Production batch number, i.e. date of production+seq. no.
Program ID in writing and barcode.
Neuron ID in writing and barcode.
Empty field for noting where the product was installed.
Article name and complete article number in writing and barcode.